Baby Massage Classes

Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Classes
Baby yoga class at Victoria Recreation ground Pavilion, Carisbrooke.




Baby massage and baby yoga classes. These classes are currently held in Carisbrooke at Victoria Recreation Ground Pavilion and Banardos Westwight family centre in Freshwater. 5 week courses are available for £50 and funding is available so low income families can get the course for half price and a limited amount also free through referral. This is thanks to the Early years grants from IW Council.

The baby massage classes in Carisbrooke are on Thurdays at 11am and baby yoga is also Thursday mornings at 9.45am

Baby massage is a wonderful way to bond with your baby. It can help with starting/ maintaining a regular sleep pattern and relaxation. It also helps to relieve colic, constipation, digestive disorders and can be a great way to meet other Mums and babies at the classes.

I also offer one to one sessions in your own home if this would be more suitable for your needs. Classes are suitable from about 5 weeks old until baby is mobile/ crawling.

Classes are very relaxed small and friendly and all are baby led so you can stop and feed/ cuddle baby at any time and there is no need to worry about crying as this is to be expected at times! We do five week courses, building up the massage with each week. All classes also include a free cuppa and time to chat with other Parents/Guardians.

The first week we do a patch test to check that the fractionated coconut oil is okay to use on your baby. We start to get to know each other and then do a short massage on the chest, tummy and legs. the next week we add in the feet arms and hands and by the last week we are doing the full body routine. It’s quite normal for some babies to miss some of the massage due to feeding or sleeping etc but Mums should be able to watch and learn the moves and by the last week should feel confident that they know the routine. I also give out a free booklet to everyone who pays for a course with all the moves/ songs in and on the last week I give out a certificate with babies footprints on if wanted.



Baby yoga is a mix of relaxation (breathing techniques etc), stretching for Parent/ Carer and baby, songs and gentle movements with time for refreshments and sensory play. It is suitable from slightly older than the baby massage (around 6-8 weeks after medical checks minimum) Most Parents may find it a perfect progression to do the baby massage course then the baby yoga after.


If you have recently had a baby then the thought of leaving the house in those early weeks can seem daunting and much to much like hard work. We understand this and would love to help support you at this special (if somewhat exhausting) time. Baby massage is a great way to connect with your baby and while joining a class has benefits of meeting other like minded parents etc doing a one to one class at home can feel like a more intimate experience in a familiar environment. This can make the whole learning more relaxed and can be done in your own time. Hannah now has three teenagers herself and has had a lot of expierience with babies and can be a wealth of knowledge and support. Her love for the subject can not be denied and she will make you feel comfortable and at ease at all times.

"Your Baby massage classes helped me so much at the start. I had massive anxiety and being a new Mum it all felt overwhelming. You made me feel welcomed and at ease straight away. You made me a better Parent back then 100%, Thank you so much Hannah."

Hailey B.